Appeal a decision about your book or account

The Google Play Books policies articulate the purpose and intended use of our products and services. They help Google Play Books build and maintain a positive, productive, and inclusive environment for everyone. Learn about Google Play Books' Publisher Content Policies.

To prevent abuse and harm on our products and services, we remain proactive and alert. To enforce our policies at scale, we use a combination of automated and human evaluation to review content on Google Play Books. We remove content which violates our policies and is harmful to users and the overall Google Play ecosystem. To spot problematic or unauthorized content and escalate particularly complex cases to specially-trained experts, we rely on advanced automated technology.

This means we may take action to remove, suspend, disable, or otherwise restrict your content or account if we find it’s in violation of the law or our policies.

If you disagree with our action, you may be able to request that we review the decision we made about your content or your account. This is sometimes referred to as an “appeal.”

Appeals may be available in the following circumstances:

  • Book actions: If Google Play Books has removed or otherwise restricted your content.
  • Account actions: If Google Play Books has disapproved your entire account or suspended you.

If you’re the content or account owner

If your content or account was actioned against, you should receive a notification about the type of enforcement and the reasoning for the enforcement action. Appeals may not be available in all circumstances. The notification you receive should contain information about the next steps you may take with respect to your content or account including your appeals options.

You have the option to appeal our decision regarding your content or account if you believe the enforcement was a mistake. If you choose to appeal, you should follow the process provided in the communication from Google Play Books.

Appeals process

If you decide to submit an appeal, we’ll ask you to identify what you would like to appeal and why. Where appropriate, you’ll have the opportunity to include relevant information indicating why you're appealing in the Google Play Books Appeal Request form.

We encourage you to provide information to support your appeal. Once we’ve reviewed your appeal, we’ll communicate the outcome to you. If we agree with your appeal, we’ll take appropriate action to reverse our prior decision.

Additional options that may be available to you

If you’re covered by the European Union’s Digital Services Act (DSA), the option to refer your complaint to a certified out-of-court dispute settlement body may also be available to you. Learn more about the European Union’s DSA. If you have legal questions or wish to examine other remedies that may be available to you, including the option of referring this matter to a court, you may wish to speak to your own lawyer.

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